Fantasia Feature - Stefan Beckett

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Next in our Fantasia Feature series, we talk with Stefan Beckett (percussion) about his favourite instruments and what he listens to beyond classical music.

When did you start playing Percussion, and who has inspired you along the way?

Having played the Piano and the Drum Kit from an early age, I was enrolled into the local youth band aged 11. This was mainly to play tuned percussion, as I possessed the rare combination of being able to both hold a pair of sticks and read the treble clef!

As percussionists, we’re never sat next to someone playing the exact same instrument as ourselves at the same time. I’m always amazed by some of the techniques and solutions my colleagues will come up with when playing the smaller percussion instruments.

What do you love most about playing in an orchestra?

I particularly enjoy playing the Timpani. I love being able to bring the drama and add to climactic moments!

What music do you like listening to beyond classical?

I have a habit of listening to Radio 3’s ‘Music Planet’ on long drives, which is a programme devoted to roots-based music. It’s fascinating to hear the different styles, languages and grooves in music of different cultures.

I can also be found trying to dance to electronic music at music festivals each summer.

What instrument do you secretly long to play?

Either the Violin or the French Horn! I don’t get to play many tunes as a percussionist (realistically, none at all!), so I spend a lot of time being jealous of the First Violins!

I think the French Horns often get the best of both worlds - beautiful solos and powerful, dramatic moments.

Finally, can you tell us what you are most excited about for Fantasia Orchestra's BBC Proms debut this summer?

The programme is going to be really fun. We’ve got a great mix of genres to perform.

We also have a few gigs before the prom itself, so it’ll be great to spend 7 days together as an ensemble.

Prom 20 -

Prom 22 -